I am very surprised to have received some indignant representations about the Chancellor’s announcement, during his Budget speech, that £1 Million was being set aside for a memorial to Muslim soldiers who fought for the Imperial Forces of the Crown in two world Wars.
On the contrary, I think it is entirely appropriate to remember them as loyal soldiers of the Empire. As the wartime generation passes, it is important that we remind future generations of out glorious past.
This is particularly important, when so much of our public discourse is dominated by the security threat posed by a radical Islamist minority. We should recall that our people struggled together in great and honourable endeavours against tyranny and injustice. People who are proud to be British, and who happen to be Muslims, must not be tarnished by a tiny minority.
We need to remember that 400,000 Muslim soldiers fought for us in WWI and 1.5 million in WWII.
They shared our defeats and our victories, they were injured, died, and won gallantry awards in our finest hours. We will Remember Them