When you really, really need a telephone number that you can’t find, you can ring a directory enquiry service, but beware: they charge. I always remember the 118 service because of the adverts involving that rather bizarre pair of sporty twins with identical fake moustaches.
It would never have occurred to me to call up the BBC to get somebody’s telephone number. The main headline news on Friday on the BBC was that somebody had done exactly that.
We were told that the unnamed head of an NHS Trust had called the BBC to get the telephone number of Burberry, the clothing manufacturer, so that he could see if he could get hold of some PPE aprons for which his NHS trust was in desperate need.
On this-morning’s News broadcast the BBC admitted that the caller had not been the NHS official that the BBC claimed he was at all.
The original item was the lead news item, but to-day’s admission was way down in the pecking order -funny that
And the correction has not extended to all the other news sources and websites that picked up the original story
The Moral:
Never trust anyone asking for a phone number