For the benefit of those constituents who email me about the dangers of Islam, I want to share the contents of a letter from Dr Mohammed Fahim, Imam of the South Woodford Mosque, which was inside his Christmas card:
“ISIS are criminals who hijacked Islam, a religion of peace, tolerance and justice. They are not Muslims, even if they claim that they are responding to wars waged against innocent people in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, or the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis, and the support given to tyrant rulers in the Middle East.
Any Muslim who agrees with their Ideology or condones their evil practices, or sympathises with them in any form is regarded by God in the Quran and by the tradition of the prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, as an unbeliever. This means he is not a Muslim. A severe punishment awaits him in this life and in the Hereafter, as detailed in the Quran in verse 93 chapter 4 and verses 32-34, chapter 5.
Those who carried out the heinous attack on innocent harmless victims in Paris on 13th November, are nothing but criminals who should be eliminated, and their organisation destroyed. Our hearts and prayers are with all the victims and their families. May God be with all of them. May God’s peace prevail.”