Looking at the polling on the EU Referendum I am, thus far, pleasantly surprised at the resilience of those proposing to vote to leave, in the face of the continuing assault of ‘project fear’.
In the 1975 referendum I recall that we began the campaign with a two-to-one poll-lead for leaving the Common Market, but when it came to the actual vote, this was reversed. This time, so far, the polls show little movement in what looks like a much closer race. Perhaps that is why the warnings are ever more incredible. In the last week we have been told that our children’s opportunities will be blighted and that they won’t be able to travel.
Gadzooks, does anyone really believe this guff? It is of course possible, if improbable, that we be hit by an asteroid and vaporised in a nanosecond. Next they will be telling us that the probability is much higher if we leave the EU. Readers may wish to know that on 13th May I shall be going ‘head to head’ with Vince Cable in the New Milton Memorial Hall at 7.00. It is a ticket affair – they are available from the Memorial Hall and the Town Council. I know that a similar event is being arranged for Fordingbridge and I will investigate the possibilities in Ringwood. I will make details available in this column and on my website.